My Projects

PDF to Audiobook

A desktop application that extracts texts from a pdf book and converts it into an mp3 audio file using Text-To-Speech Google Cloud API.

  • Python
  • TkInter
  • Google Cloud API
Project 3

Tic Tac Toe

A desktop application with TkInter that simulates the Tic Tac Toe Game.

  • Python
  • TkInter
Project 1

Image Water Marking Application

Desktop application capable of adding personalized water mark image and blurring.

  • Python
  • TkInter
  • Pillow
Project 2

About Me

Hi. I am Alan,I live in the Bay Area in California and I am ready to start a career as a software engineer. I have been aquiring my skills as a self taught programmer and keep on improving every moment I can.

My Resume